2016 Mid-Atlantic District Fall Contest – What a weekend!

Wow, what a weekend! This past weekend Break From Blue Collar had the honor of competing alongside many other extremely talented choruses and quartets at the Mid-Atlantic District’s Fall Contest at the Lancaster Marriott. After probably our best performance to date, we unfortunately didn’t make the Top 10 to move on to the finals, but came in 12th place with a score of 70.2%. This is a great improvement over our division scores, and also earned us the title of Novice Quartet Champions as well! To top it off, Shaun earned the Audience Choice award for Best Bass (the same award Tyler won in the Spring). What a weekend!

Join Us At the Atlantic League All-Star Game at the Barnstormers! – July 13th

Hi everyone, are you interested in hearing your favorite quartet sing? Well how about going to a Barnstormers game? Better yet, how about the 2016 Atlantic League All-Star game? Well you can do all of that at the same time! We’re singing outside the gates of Clipper Magazine Stadium on July 13th from 4:30-5:30pm before the game, then possibly the National Anthem, and maybe even more.

We need to sell 25 tickets, so please purchase them through us! You can buy them right here on our website to count and we’ll make sure you get your tickets for the game. See more or buy tickets on the page below:


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2016 BHS Mid-Atlantic District Central Division Contest

Wow! What an incredible weekend! We are incredibly honored and humbled from the love and support we received at our first Barbershop Harmony Society competition.  We finished in 5th overall out of 20 quartets with a score of 68.3! We received the award for best Novice Quartet, which goes to the highest scoring quartet with no one than one member who has competed before.  We were even blessed to receive two audience awards!  The first was “Best Storytelling” for our ballad “Their Hearts were full of Spring”.  The second was “Best Baritone” for Tyler Hart.  Thank you so much for all the support and we look forward to representing the Lancaster and Hershey barbershop chapters at the District Contest in September!

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Hello everyone!  We are approaching the season where it’s acceptable to sing randomly in public locations and no one will give you a funny look for it!  I.E. once December hits, it’s time to start caroling!  We have a few performances lined up, but we’re always up to strike another chord or two!  If you’re in a singing mood and want to carol along, or just want to sit back and listen, give us a call anytime!

4th of July @ Lititz Springs Park

Want to hear your favorite quartet sing some more? Looking for something fun to do with the whole family on the 4th of July? Come join us at Lititz Springs Park for their 196th Annual Fourth of July Celebration!

We’ll be singing from around 3:30 till 4:30 or so, and we’d love to have an audience!

For more information about the celebration: Fourth of July at Lititz Springs Park

Oh, and while you’re here, why don’t you sign up for our new mailing list? We’re going to try and start using this to promote upcoming events and let you know where we’ll be next. Sign up using the form in the sidebar today! And of course like us on Facebook, Youtube, and Google+.

Free Concert On The Deck @ Oregon Dairy – 6/28, 7pm-9pm

Hey ya’ll! We have a public performance coming up this Friday! Join us on the deck of the Oregon Dairy Restaurant for a night of food and musical fun.

Performance Details:
Where? Oregon Dairy Restaurant, 2900 Oregon Pike, Lititz, PA
When? Friday, June 28th, 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Come get some dinner and/or ice cream and enjoy an early summer evening out. For more details, visit Oregon Dairy‘s website.

Music From the Heart 2013

Looking for something to do this Saturday? Come see Break From Blue Collar at the fourth annual Music From the Heart concert! Benefiting the Schreiber Pediatric Rehab Center, the concert will feature local artists such as:

  • Break From Blue Collar
  • The McCoy Boys
  • Vocalists Katie Eshleman and Adam Good
  • Sharon Ho, Pianist
  • Odd Man Out

Performance Details:
Where?  Faith United Church of Christ, 1204 Wabank Road, Lancaster, PA
When?   Saturday, March 9th, 6:30 pm

The concert is organized by Jason Rieker and his sister-in-law, Kim Shank, whose daughter benefits from Schreiber Center.

Admission is free and light refreshments will be served. Donations will be collected. For more information, see the Music From the Heart event on LancasterOnline.com

Hello world!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Break From Blue Collar’s brand new website! We’ll use this to keep you up to date on upcoming events, as well as other important information.